Conference Assistal: Contracts, Rating companies and Earthquake protection

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convegno assistal vila manin

New Assistal conference scheduled in the beautiful location of Villa Manin in Passariano di Codroipo, Udine June 15, 2016.

After 40 years since the dramatic earthquake in Friuli, we will discuss about earthquake protection as part of the plant and in particular in the field of operating continuity of services provided. In this context, it will also be made ​​the point of the main innovations contained in the new Code of Public Procurement, recently published in the Official Gazette and on the issue of qualification of companies that operate in the field of public contracting.

Moderator of the morning will be our Chairman of the Board Borean Elena.


Speakers at the conference will be Angelo Carlini, President ASSISTAL, Mariagrazia Santoro, Councillor for Infrastructure and territory Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Gianpaolo Gaspari, General Director of Regional Entity for the cultural heritage of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Giancarlo Ricciardi, ASSISTAL Director, Marco Padrini, Director of the Central Direction of Infrastructure and Territory Friuli Region, Stefano Grimaz, Director of the Laboratory SPRINT- University of Udine and Ing. Mariangela Merrone, Head of Technical Area ASSISTAL.

The round table in the afternoon will focus on the quality and safety of doing, testing and taken over, but also protection for all operators in the industry chain and intervene characters like Andrea Monticolo, Vice-President ASSISTAL and Walter Toniati, General Director OGS National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics.

A unique opportunity with the patronage of Autonom Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Colleges of Industrial Experts and of Industrial Experts Graduates of the Provinces of Gorizia, Pordenone, Trieste and Udine, the order of lawyers of Udine and the College of Surveyors and Surveyors graduates of the Province of Udine.

Educational credits

The event is free and it will be entitled to the educational credits.


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