Ductwork air-cleaning system for the health of people

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Increasingly unbreathable air!! 3 million deaths worldwide due to pollution! 92% of the world’s population lives in places where the air quality does not meet the limits set by WHO!

In short.. what air do we breathe?

Not to make the free terrorism, but the situation is really worrying.

The analysis carried out by the University of bath, in the UK, has taken into account the data collected through satellites and ground sensors, from 3,000 places, both urban and rural, across the world.

What is the ductwork air-cleaning system?

If the outside air is polluted, it will be the internal one too. If the air inside comes through an air conditioning system, it goes without saying that it must be controlled with targeted routine maintenance. One of these is the maintenances is the ductwork air-cleaning.

The patented system Aria SpA for the cleaning of the air ducts (particulate matter removal from the inside of the ductworks and sanitizing of them) is a versatile system, of simple use and universally applicable. It is based on the combination of a particular type of nozzle working with compressed air and gathering equipment having high efficientcy filters located outside the ducts.

When someone call for a “quick” site inspection.. and we find this for example:

dirty duct air
dirty air-duct

You know well that we can not remain indifferent. We must act.

A job under the terms of laws

Everything has been conceived and designed according to the most important laws, standards and technical publications. Our technical department is always updated on all news regarding legislation.

Contact us for more information! Health is a right. Guarantee the rights is a duty.

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